- Fun Run Goals By Grade
- PTO in the Park
- First Paideia Seminar
- So Long, Summer! Bash at Richland Park
- Thank You For Your Help!
Hopefully last week's Special Edition Newsletter provided a lot of great information on the Fun Run, our goal, and sponsorship opportunities. Big thanks to those who have donated so far! Kindergarten is leading all the other grades and hopefully you’re hearing from your student if they won a popsicle party last week! There are still 3 weeks to win before the run!
Starting next week we’ll be more focused on working towards our classroom goals. The goal for most grades is $8,000. Winners last week were based on sheer volume, so it’s working together as a community with both large and smaller donations that’s truly making a difference. We just ask that you do what you can and know that we appreciate ALL of you!
If you have any questions about the campaign or the Fun Run itself, we’ll be at the PTO in the Park event on the 15th, so look for us and we’re happy to answer whatever questions you have!
Please plan to join us at our annual PTO in the Park THIS Thursday, September 15 from 6-7 p.m. Bring a picnic and your family to Richland Park for a casual hang out. This is a great way to meet other parents, students and friends in our community!
Between September 6-16th, students will participate in our first school-wide seminar. For this seminar, we are reading the story The Me I Choose to Be by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley and discussing the ideas and values of identity, empowerment, and self-worth. Ask your child about this exciting and engaging learning experience!
Join our neighborhood friends on Sunday, September 25 from 1-4pm for food, fun, and a supply drive to benefit Sylvan Park and Park Avenue schools!
Thanks to all the parents who donated items for last week's Stock the Lounge event! We are always excited to show our appreciation to our amazing staff and we couldn't do it without our amazing families!
PTO in the Park, September 15, 6-7pm
Picture Day, September 28
Walk to School Day, October 5
Click Here for 2022-2023 PTO Calendar:
Future Burros Night, Hillsboro High School (note date change)
On October 28 join families from all across the Hillsboro cluster for a special night of high school football and community in the brand-new stadium at Hillsboro High School! Celebrate with kids and families from Percy Priest, Julia Green, Waverly Belmont, Eakin, Sylvan Park, Glendale, Carter Lawrence, JT Moore, Rose Park, and West End! The fun will start with trick or treating, a tailgate before the game, and activities and treats for our feeder school students. Admission to the game is free for all feeder school kids - wear your school spirit t-shirt! Adults can purchase their game tickets at https://gofan.co/app/school/TN8629 (be sure to select the Oct 28 game). Festivities will begin at 6 PM, with kickoff at 7.
Get Involved in West End Middle!
Submissions for the newsletter: please submit any school-related news, photos or announcements by each Sunday at noon in order to get it in the following Tuesday's newsletter. Images and PDFs should be converted to JPG or PNG format.
If you know of anyone who is not receiving the newsletter, please forward this email to them, and let them know they can sign up at sylvanparkschool.org/subscribe.