- We Need Your Help to Stock the Lounge TOMORROW!
- Extra Fun Run T-shirts Available
- Library Book Character Pumpkin Patch
- West End Coffee
- Trunk or Treat
- Book Fair Coming Soon!
- Future Burros Night
- Register for School Cash Online
- A Note on Crossing Guards
We still need your help to show some love to our Sylvan Park staff tomorrow! Sign up here to donate snacks and treats to stock the teachers' lounge. Donations will be collected in front of the school tomorrow morning.
If you would like to purchase an extra Fun Run t-shirt, sizes for adults and children are available on the Spirit Wear website until the end of October.
Decorate a fake pumpkin as any character from a book and bring it to the library for display!
Calling all 5th grade parents! Join us in the library on Tuesday, 10/25 at 8:15am for coffee and conversation to learn more about West End Middle School from their principal, Mr. Stephens.
Save the Date for Trunk or Treat in the school parking lot on Thursday, October 27th from 5:30-7:00 (note the time change!). We need your help to make this event a success! Please send in 1-2 large bags of candy to your child's teacher as soon as you are able. This event is for our entire school community - siblings included - and we go through a lot of candy. Please also consider signing up here to help with set up, clean up, or crowd control. Thanks so much for your help!
Save the date for the Scholastic Book Fair November 14-18. More details to come.
There have been ongoing questions from parents around the lack of a crossing guard or proper safety precautions in areas surrounding our school. If you would like to contact Metro to relay your concerns, we encourage you to contact Sergeant Mark Denton.
5th Grade West End Coffee, October 25, 8:15am
Trunk or Treat, October 27, 5:30-7pm
No School for students, Parent Conferences, October 28
No School, Election Day, November 8
4th Grade Program, November 10, 6pm
No School, Veteran's Day, November 11
Book Fair, November 14-18
Click Here for 2022-2023 PTO Calendar:
Future Burros Night, Hillsboro High School (note date change)
On October 28 join families from all across the Hillsboro cluster for a special night of high school football and community in the brand-new stadium at Hillsboro High School! Celebrate with kids and families from Percy Priest, Julia Green, Waverly Belmont, Eakin, Sylvan Park, Glendale, Carter Lawrence, JT Moore, Rose Park, and West End! The fun will start with trick or treating, a tailgate before the game, and activities and treats for our feeder school students. Admission to the game is free for all feeder school kids - wear your school spirit t-shirt! Adults can purchase their game tickets at https://gofan.co/app/school/TN8629 (be sure to select the Oct 28 game). Festivities will begin at 6 PM, with kickoff at 7.
Get Involved in West End Middle!
Submissions for the newsletter: please submit any school-related news, photos or announcements by each Sunday at noon in order to get it in the following Tuesday's newsletter. Images and PDFs should be converted to JPG or PNG format.
If you know of anyone who is not receiving the newsletter, please forward this email to them, and let them know they can sign up at sylvanparkschool.org/subscribe.