- Diversity Committee Statement
- Black History Month Spirit Week
- Parent Paideia Seminar - February 23
- Nicky's Coal Fired Restaurant Night
- Sylvan Park Night with Belmont Basketball
- Let's Goet(z) Together - February 24
- Cub Scout Spring Registration Now Open
- Additional Thursday Chess Club Added
- Fundraiser to Benefit West End Middle School
Sylvan Park Paideia Elementary recognizes that February is Black History Month. We would like you to join us today and everyday in acknowledging accomplishments and contributions Black people have made for our society, and how many Black influencers and contributors continue to move our society forward.
This year the theme of Black History Month is Black Resistance. Resistance of historical and current oppression, in all of its forms.
We at Sylvan Park stand with our neighbors and teach our students to live for *liberty and justice for all!*
Black History Month Spirit Week begins today!
Join us this Thursday, February 23 from 6-7 p.m. for an insightful discussion of Disney's Encanto. Encanto has been praised for its positive representation and reflection of diversity. Upon its release in 2021, it generated a social media wave. Numerous posts showing videos of children overjoyed at the sight of a cartoon character that looked like them, their parents, grandparents, and community appeared on the internet. People of all ages continue to share how they feel represented and uplifted by seeing, finally, themselves, their noses, curls, and skin tones in a major Disney film. The movie’s success underscores the importance of giving both voice and image to the true diversity of the world in which we live. Free babysitting for potty trained children ages 3-12 available; sign up here.
Join us for restaurant night at Nicky's Coal Fired on Wednesday, March 8th. There will be designated tables for SP families and bottles of wine are half off. Nicky's is generously donating 10% of sales to our school!
Join SP families to root on the Belmont Bruins Men's Basketball Team tomorrow, Wednesday, February 22nd at 6:30. The Kids Zone will be open and $5 of every ticket will go back to our school. Click here to purchase discounted tickets for $12.
Please join Principal Goetz for her quarterly check-in via Zoom on Friday, February 24th from 8:15-8:45am. This casual meeting is a great chance to share feedback or ask any questions about Sylvan Park Elementary. Join the Zoom meeting here.
You are invited to attend the West Arts Fest on March 9th from 6-9 p.m. at The Cafe at Thistle Farms. There will be delicious food, beverages, music and a phenomenal silent auction. Money raised will go toward funding a full time art teacher, enrichment experiences, and increased resources for West End Middle School. Buy your tickets here.
Belmont Basketball Night, February 22, 6:30pm
Parent Paideia Seminar, February 23, 6pm
Let's Goet(z) Together, February 24, 8:15am
Read Across America Week, February 27-March 3
2nd Grade Program, March 2, 6pm
Nicky's Coal Fired Restaurant Night, March 8
Click Here for 2022-2023 PTO Calendar:
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If you know of anyone who is not receiving the newsletter, please forward this email to them, and let them know they can sign up at sylvanparkschool.org/subscribe.