- Holiday Staff Collection - There's still time to give!
- December 16 is a Half Day! No PNA after school
- Winter Break: Dec. 17-Jan. 6
At this time each year, we gather your donations to show our appreciation to Sylvan Park's superb staff. Please consider donating by Paypal or Venmo. Donations will be collected through tomorrow, December 15. Don't forget to include" Holiday Staff Collection" in the memo!
Please remember that Thursday, December 16 will be a half day of school. All students will be dismissed for Winter Break at 11:30 a.m. There will be no PNA after 11:30; there will be PNA before school.
See you back at school on Friday, January 7, 2022!
1/2 Day, December 16, dismissal at 11:30a.m.
No School, Winter Break, December 17-January 6
Click Here for 2021-2022 PTO Calendar:
Get Involved in West End Middle!
Submissions for the newsletter: please submit any school-related news, photos or announcements by each Saturday at 5 p.m. in order to get it in the following Tuesday's newsletter. Images and PDFs should be converted to JPG or PNG format.
If you know of anyone who is not receiving the newsletter, please forward this email to them, and let them know they can sign up at sylvanparkschool.org/subscribe.