- PTO Meeting - May 4
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Special Stock the Lounge
- Save the Date for the Spring Carnival
- Spirit Wear Donations
- Coldiron Derby Fundraiser
- Congrats, Kids Rock Runners!
In order to make the school safety update on May 4th as helpful as possible, we are collecting questions from families in advance to proactively address your concerns or ideas. Please fill out this form with your questions or feedback by May 1st.
This meeting is intended for adults only. For free babysitting provided by PTO, please sign up here.
We can't wait to celebrate our incredible Sylvan Park staff during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 8-12. Here are some ways that you and your students will be able to spread the love and say thank you!
Sign up here to help us stock the lounge on May 9th during Teacher Appreciation Week. We hope you can pitch in to make this extra special for our staff!
Join us for the end of year Spring Carnival! Tickets will go on sale soon. This is a big event with lots of activities and we would love your help! Please consider signing up here to volunteer.
PTO is collecting Sylvan Park spirit wear long sleeve and short sleeve t-shirts as well as hoodies. These donations will be sold at the carnival as a PTO fundraiser. Please make sure all donations are in good condition. Donations can be dropped off in the containers found at the front of the school.
Congratulations to all of our Sylvan Park runners who ran in Sunday's Kids Rock race downtown (including these adorable kindergartners)!
TCAP/TNReady (3rd-5th grades), April 17-28
PTO Meeting (focus on safety), May 4, 6-7pm
Last Day of School (half day), May 25, dismissal at 11:30am
Click Here for 2022-2023 PTO Calendar:
Get Involved in West End Middle!
Submissions for the newsletter: please submit any school-related news, photos or announcements by each Sunday at noon in order to get it in the following Tuesday's newsletter. Images and PDFs should be converted to JPG or PNG format.
If you know of anyone who is not receiving the newsletter, please forward this email to them, and let them know they can sign up at sylvanparkschool.org/subscribe.