
4th Grade Civil War Study

At the beginning of the month, Mrs. Eberle's 4th grade class enjoyed a Traveling Trunk from The Tennessee State Museum. The trunk's theme was "The Life of a Civil War Soldier." Students had fun looking at replica artifacts from this time period. Pictured here are students dressed as Union soldiers.
March 30, 2020
Highlights this week:
  • Related Arts Activities Available!
  • Support for Families from MNPS
  • Virtual Spirit Week
  • Sylvan Park Story Time
  • Open PTO Board Positions for 2020-21
  • Yearbook Orders Due April 5
* Please email news submissions by noon on Sunday each week, or earlier. The next deadline is April 5. Please submit any images in jpg or png format.

Related Arts Activities Available!

The Sylvan Park Music website will now host all of your Related Arts classes for at-home fun and activities. New material will be added every Monday while school is out from Ms. Williams in Art, Mr. Burns in Music, Coach Scott in P.E. and Sra. Poole in Spanish. Each class will have engaging activities the whole family can enjoy. You will have opportunities to share your projects with the related arts teachers and possibly be featured on the website. In addition, Mr. Burns is requesting singalong videos and suggestions for reaction videos almost daily. You can keep up with the fun and updates by following on Twitter: or visiting the website:

MNPS Support for Students

Breakfast and lunch pick-up: Services will continue every weekday that schools are closed and will be available to anyone under the age of 18. No MNPS paperwork is required, however, students must be present to collect meals, per federal law. The bagged or boxed meals will be provided in a drive-through setup and will be available for pickup between 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at these locations.

Delivery meals: Six MNPS school buses are delivering to locations throughout Nashville where students are able to pick up the meals. The routes, including locations and approximate times, are available here.

Free books and school supplies: Book'em will offer free books and the PENCIL foundation will offer free school supplies to students at rotating sites where meals are being provided. The distribution schedule for both is here.

Virtual Spirit Week!

Sylvan Park Story Time

Open PTO Positions 2020-2021

The PTO board met a few weeks ago to work on the 2020-2021 budget, calendar, and organization of the board. We have a few openings for next year's board. Please reach out to Annette Ashley if you are interested in learning more about serving in one of these roles next school year.

Positions Available:
VP (President in Training)
VP of Communications
VP of Volunteers
VP of Diversity

Order Yearbooks by April 5

Resources for Home Learning

MNPS will be distributing printed paper materials, with translated instruction support, at meal sites and possibly other locations for students in grades Pre-K-12. The printed material will match what will be offered online in the form of two learning supports teachers and students can use
  • For students in grades K-5, Imagine Learning offers creative and engaging content and programs for our youngest MNPS students.
  • For students in grades 6-12, the Florida Virtual School programming provides great content in many different subject areas that will allow students to maintain progress or explore new learning areas.
Additionally, Nashville Public Television will air educational content on channel 8 and online here starting today, March 30. See the schedule by age group below:
  • 6 - 10 a.m. | Children's programming
  • 10 a.m. - Noon | Middle school students
  • Noon - 2 p.m. | High school students
  • 2 - 5 p.m. | Children's programming
The district is also gathering data on how many families have access to technology at home through a technology survey. Please take a moment to answer a brief 6 question survey from Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools. Click here to take the survey

Helpful Hints from Ms. Calverley

Here's a handy guide to accessing a few digital resources to keep your student entertained and learning.

If you have your student's Clever badge, it's as easy as clicking and holding the badge up to the camera.
Students can access Clever without their badges by following these instructions:
Choose the “Log on with Office 365” option. Use a student's username and password to log in.
Username: first name + last initial + last five digits of student ID number
CAPITAL FIRST LETTER OF FIRST NAME + lowercase first letter of last name + mmddyy
Example: Jane Smith, January 6, 2003 The password would be Js010603

Nashville Public Library's Digital Collection

Get free access to ebooks and audiobooks through the Nashville Public Library.
username: your student's190#
pin: MMDD of your student's birthday

Limitless Libraries Research Tools
Get access to great digital library resources through Limitless Libraries, including PebbleGo, World Book Kids, Bookflix and more.
username: your student's190#
pin: MMDD of your student's birthday

Diversity Committee Survey

We want to hear from YOU. Please fill out this short demographic survey, which will help us understand the needs of our diverse community. You will also have the opportunity to let us know if we can highlight your family on our Diversity bulletin board! The survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Sylvan Park Paideia Diversity Survey for Parents

Families Encouraged to Complete 2020 Census

It is important for families to complete the 2020 Census Survey because information gathered impacts how much money schools receive in Title I funding. Children not counted in our district could negatively impact funding for the next 10 years. It is critical that as many households in Nashville as possible submit the forms.

Families are encouraged to fill out and submit the census information. The census can be submitted online, via phone, or mail. It is also crucial to note that information identifying individuals is not supposed to be shared with other government agencies.

Life Lessons Bucket List

Lost and Found

The Lost & Found is now located outside the music room just down the hall from the cafeteria.

Upcoming Events

All MNPS events are on-hold through Friday, April 24. Please stay tuned for updates.

Hillsboro Cluster News

Get Involved in West End Middle!
Sign up to receive the PTSO newsletter here.
Visit the PTSO web site at

Thank You Sponsors

Submissions for the newsletter: please submit any school-related news, photos or announcements by each Sunday at noon in order to get it in the following Tuesday's newsletter.

If you know of anyone who is not receiving the newsletter, please forward this email to them, and let them know they can sign up at
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