- Video Message from Sylvan Park Staff
- Scavenger Hunts All Week
- New Super Scientist Activities
- Panthers Corner
* Please email news submissions by noon on Sunday each week, or earlier. The next deadline is April 19. Please submit any images in jpg or png format.
Want to see what some of your fellow Sylvan Park students have been doing? Check out what folks have submitted to the Related Arts website and make sure to add your activities to the mix!
Sylvan Park families now have until April 17th to order yearbooks and may have them shipped directly to their home. Visit the TreeRing website and enter the code 1015257004414640 to create your account and place an order.
The Tennessee Department of Human Services is making financial resources available to families impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Families can apply online for up to two months of emergency cash if they were employed as of March 11, 2020 and have lost employment or at least 50% of their income as a result of the pandemic. Read more information on the TDHS website.
Breakfast and lunch pick-up: Services will continue every weekday that schools are closed and will be available to anyone under the age of 18. No MNPS paperwork is required, however, students must be present to collect meals, per federal law. The bagged or boxed meals will be provided in a drive-through setup and will be available for pickup between 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at these locations.
Delivery meals: Six MNPS school buses are delivering to locations throughout Nashville where students are able to pick up the meals. The routes, including locations and approximate times, are available here.
Free books and school supplies: Book'em will offer free books and the PENCIL foundation will offer free school supplies to students at rotating sites where meals are being provided. The distribution schedule for both is here.
Here's a handy guide to accessing a few digital resources to keep your student entertained and learning.
Clever www.clever.com If you have your student's Clever badge, it's as easy as clicking and holding the badge up to the camera. Students can access Clever without their badges by following these instructions: Choose the “Log on with Office 365” option. Use a student's username and password to log in. Username: first name + last initial + last five digits of student ID number @mnpsk12.org (ex: marys55555@mnpsk12.org) Password: CAPITAL FIRST LETTER OF FIRST NAME + lowercase first letter of last name + mmddyy Example: Jane Smith, January 6, 2003 The password would be Js010603
Nashville Public Library's Digital Collection www.nashville.overdrive.com Get free access to ebooks and audiobooks through the Nashville Public Library. username: your student's190# pin: MMDD of your student's birthday
Limitless Libraries Research Tools https://www.limitlesslibraries.org/elementary-school Get access to great digital library resources through Limitless Libraries, including PebbleGo, World Book Kids, Bookflix and more. username: your student's190# pin: MMDD of your student's birthday
It is important for families to complete the 2020 Census Survey because information gathered impacts how much money schools receive in Title I funding. Children not counted in our district could negatively impact funding for the next 10 years. It is critical that as many households in Nashville as possible submit the forms.
Families are encouraged to fill out and submit the census information. The census can be submitted online, via phone, or mail. It is also crucial to note that information identifying individuals is not supposed to be shared with other government agencies.
All MNPS events are on-hold through Friday, April 24. Please stay tuned for updates.
Submissions for the newsletter: please submit any school-related news, photos or announcements by each Sunday at noon in order to get it in the following Tuesday's newsletter.
If you know of anyone who is not receiving the newsletter, please forward this email to them, and let them know they can sign up at sylvanparkschool.org/subscribe.