- TONIGHT: Virtual Q&A with Ms. Goetz
- Games and Resources to Build Computing Skills from Ms. Calverly
The Sylvan Park PTO will host a virtual meeting with Ms. Goetz on July 21st at 6pm to answer questions related to the start of school and remote learning.
Meeting ID: 850 1401 5884 Passcode: PTOQA
Do you have a kindergartner starting Sylvan Park this year? Join the kindergarten teachers in a Virtual Parent Coffee session to learn important information for the 2020-2021 school year. More details to come.
With the news that school will be begin virtually, parents may want supplies for at-home learning. We are providing the following supply lists with items teachers requested for each grade level this school year. As teachers learn more about the new virtual curriculum, some items may change. If parents pre-purchased a school supply kit this past Spring, the school will be working on a retrieval plan to pick up the kits prior to the start of the school year.
The Metro Public Health Department will have extended hours at all three of their preventive health clinic locations starting July 21st for 4 weeks. See important details about what to bring and how to make an appointment in the multilingual flyer on the PTO website. Scroll over the bottom of the flyer to access additional pages.
This year, there are additional t-shirt styles and colors available that will ship directly to your home for a $6 flat rate. Even if we can’t be together at the start of school, we can still show our Panther Pride!
Returning School Library Items Families will have until August 5, 2020 to return library items. To see what books your child has currently checked out:
- Go to http://www.library.nashville.org
- Click on the orange "My Account" button in the top right corner
- Enter your child's 190# for the Library Card Number
- Enter the MMDD of your child's birthday for the PIN
- A list if both NPL and MNPS books will be displayed. All MNPS library books have a 10 digit item number beginning with two letter (example: QQ00305012).
You may also return any MNPS library items to any Nashville Public Library branch over the summer. Please contact Laura.calverley@mnps.org with any questions about library items.
Did you know there is a school board race on August 6th? There is no primary, this is it. It is non-partisan. The two candidates for District 9 (West Nashville, including Sylvan Park) are:
Please click their names to check out their websites or read candidate answers to a recent National Public Education Foundation survey here.
Virtual Q&A with Ms. Goetz - July 21, 6pm Virtual Kindergarten Parent Coffee -July 30, 8am First Day of School - August 4
Dates for 2020-21 School Year - click here
* All dates and events are subject to change
Trey Stephens will lead West End Middle School this year as the new principal. Read all about Mr. Stephens and other WEMS news on the West End PTSO site.
Submissions for the newsletter: please submit any school-related news, photos or announcements by each Sunday at noon in order to get it in the following Tuesday's newsletter.
If you know of anyone who is not receiving the newsletter, please forward this email to them, and let them know they can sign up at sylvanparkschool.org/subscribe.