- First Day of School Photos!
- Sylvan Park Virtual Learning Launchpad
- Room Parents
- Telehealth Visits are Available for Students
Thanks to all the Panthers and Panther parents for posting photos from the first day of school!
Use the Sylvan Park Weebly site to find weekly schedules for all grade levels, contact information for teachers and staff, a helpful tutorial for logging into Clever and Schoology, and information on school meals. This will be a helpful site for parents and students to bookmark.
Are you looking for a rewarding way to be involved at Sylvan Park? The PTO needs a Home Room Parent (HRP) for each classroom. HRPs are a tradition at Sylvan Park. A parent(s) serves as a liaison between teachers, parents, and the PTO board. This role typically involves organizing classroom parties (around 3-4 per year,) as well as creating an email group for your classroom parents in order to forward important information that needs distribution.
As you might guess, this year our HRPs' responsibilities might look a little different. HRPs will serve to create a much needed sense of community between classroom families during this time when we all need it. As specific parent or teacher needs arise, the HRP will be able to facilitate communication so we may all find the answers and help we need.
Telehealth is available for our students! Well Child is the district-approved vendor who normally offers well exams every year in schools. Due to COVID-19, they have recently expanded their services to include in-home virtual visits. Additionally, Well Child is now able to send electronic prescriptions when needed for treatment of minor and acute illnesses. Well Child Telehealth may be used for:
- Annual well exams
- Minor/acute illness or medical care.
See the flyers below for more information.
Are you looking for information about meals? Click this link to read about picking up meals at the school, paying with MySchoolBucks, pick up times (11:30am-12:30pm for elementary school families), and free and reduced lunch forms: https://www.mnps.org/playbook-meals.
IMPORTANT: The permissions from parents/guardians that are included with the handbook will now be collected online, making it easier for families and schools to indicate and track. The due date is September 4, 2020. With school starting virtually and devices and hotspots provided by the district, all families should have the resources to submit their permissions online.
Dates for 2020-21 School Year - click here
* All dates and events are subject to change
Trey Stephens will lead West End Middle School this year as the new principal. Read all about Mr. Stephens and other WEMS news on the West End PTSO site.
Submissions for the newsletter: please submit any school-related news, photos or announcements by each Sunday at noon in order to get it in the following Tuesday's newsletter.
If you know of anyone who is not receiving the newsletter, please forward this email to them, and let them know they can sign up at sylvanparkschool.org/subscribe.