September 6, 2023
[subscriber:firstname | default:reader],

Thank you to everyone who has helped us get the INVEST Campaign rolling... we are nearly 1/4 of the way to our goal in the first week!!

Highlights this week:
  • Let's Goetz Together 9/8/2023
  • Hero Doughnuts on Saturday 9/9
  • Pizza in the Park with the PTO 9/14
  • Picture Day 9/29
  • 2023/24 INVEST Campaign is Live!!
  • Subscribe to the calendar

9/8/23 Let's Goet(z) Together

Let’s Goetz Together

8:15a-8:45a (SP Library- IN PERSON)

Friday, September 8, from 8:15a-8:45a is this year's first Let's Goet(z) Together (coffee with the principal) in the library at Sylvan Park. Yes, IN PERSON.

Parents/guardians will be asked to sign in on the front porch between 8a-8:15a (after student arrival is over) and then join us in the library. This is an informal session which will include a brief school update and then an open forum to ask questions.

This is IN PERSON, there is no virtual option.

We hope to see you there!

Be a Hero: Have a Doughnut!

hero doughnut
Come and have a pastry with us Saturday, September 9th from 8:00 - 10:00 AM at HERO DOUGHNUTS & BUNS. Hero will donate a percentage of all sales during this time to Sylvan Park PTO

8:00 - 10:00 AM
The children are grateful for your support

Visit the menu at

Pizza Party in the Park with the PTO

Come join us at Richland Park after school on Thursday September 14th. Pickup a Pizza dinner from Hometeam Pizza, and meet the members of the Sylvan Park PTO while your kids enjoy their classmates, playground, and open spaces of Richland Park.

Hometeam Pizza will generously donate a portion of every purchase to support the Sylvan Park PTO.

Thursday, Sept. 14
6:00- 7 :00 P.M.
  1. Order from Hometeam Pizza for a delicious dinner in the park!
  2. Pick your PIzza up from Hometeam Pizza, located in the Citizens Kitchen. It’s a blue and green building by the McDonald’s on Charlotte and 47th Ave, a quick walk away from Richland Park.
  3. Join other Sylvan Park families and the PTO for a family picnic at the Richland Park Pavilion.

Picture Day is September 29th

Sylvan Park Picture Day is September 29th with make-up day on December 6th.

Volunteer @ Sylvan Park

The Sylvan Park PTO's mission depends on the help of people from our school community who give their time and energy to make Sylvan Park special. Volunteering at the school is a great way to be part of our school and meet other Sylvan Park families.

There are lots of ways to help at Sylvan Park. Some jobs are big, some are small, and you can volunteer at school or from home. No matter how busy you are, there's a way for you to join in. When you help out, our community gets stronger, and you'll feel good about it. :)

Why 120,000?

Why 120,000
INVEST Campaign

We can’t meet this goal without our whole community. Keep an eye out for our special INVEST newsletter this week for info on why we’re aiming this high, recommended giving levels and how we’ll celebrate throughout the campaign!

Stay in the Know! Subscribe to the Sylvan Park Google Calendar

For the latest information on school and PTO events, check out our PTO calendar!

Use this link to subscribe to the calendar:
  1. On your computer, open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left, next to Other calendars, click Add +  From URL.
  3. Enter the calendar's address.
  4. Click Add calendar. The calendar appears on the left, under "Other calendars."
Submissions for the newsletter: please submit any school-related news, announcements, etc. by each Sunday at noon in order to get it in the following Tuesday's newsletter.

If you know of anyone who is not receiving the newsletter, please forward this email to them, and let them know they can sign up at
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