Fall Clean Out: Help us to keep our school closet stocked with great options for any student who needs them by donating what no longer fits.
What: your students’ outgrown (NOT worn out) SSA and spirit wear
Where: bins at the main entrance AND car rider entrances OR drop off at 4209 Idaho Ave
When: Nov 13-15
Why: Donated clothes will be used for distribution to SP students, re-stocking Sylvan Park’s closet for future/urgent needs, and contributing to Metro’s warehouse of SSA (from whence all schools, including SP, can & do request SSA in particular sizes/styles as needs arise).
Bonus: Surplus Sylvan Park Spirit wear will likely be available for all students & families at the Book Fair 11/19-11/21 (donation to SP PTO’s hardship fund optional).
Questions? Reach out to Patti Chew (patricia.a.frost@gmail.com)
Need to request clothes for your student? Reach out to Ms. Middlebrooks (Meredith.middlebrooks@mnps.org)