Add Your Voice: Should High School Start Later?

alarm clock

We are a caring group of parents from various MNPS clusters who want to revive the conversation and action around starting Nashville Public High Schools later. We have the earliest high school start times in the nation. Most high schools in Nashville open their doors at 6:45am and start school at 7:05am.

There is a vast amount of research that shows that teenage mental and physical health, grades, sleep quality, learning ability, attendance, and even behavior improve when high schools start later. 

We have created this survey to get a sense of what other parents feel about this issue. We plan on sharing the results of this informal survey with the school board later this spring.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to tell us what you think, and whether you would like to join this initiative.

Background info & links:

Congratulations to Lizzy Williams for receiving Teacher of the Year from Sylvan Park


Heroes were on display Thursday night as MNPS celebrated its Teachers of the Year, Support Employees of the Year, and Principals of the Year with awards, dinner, gifts, music, and photos.

More than 130 building-level Teacher of the Year winners, along with top support employees and principals, gathered at Music City Center with their family members, principals, and district leaders for the event.

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Lizzy Williams, Sylvan Park Teacher of the Year '23-'24
Lizzy Williams, Sylvan Park Teacher of the Year ’23-’24

Alive’s FREE Youth Group Grief Support

Alive’s FREE Youth Group is for any child or teen in Middle Tennessee ages 4-17 who have experienced the death of someone significant.

Alive’s FREE Youth Group is for any child or teen in Middle Tennessee ages 4-17 who have experienced the death of someone significant.

Each session includes dinner, grief education, games, and activities that allow youth to cope with loss, while connecting with peers in similar circumstances.

Youth Group Meets:
January 30 – March 26, 2024 (no session March 12 due to Spring Break)
On Tuesdays from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. | 615-963-4732

Congrats to Logan Eggleston as NCAA Woman of the Year

Logan Eggleston led Texas to the 2022 NCAA Division I Women's Volleyball Championship title and was named Most Outstanding Player

We would love to extend a special congratulations from our Sylvan Park Family to the Egglestons as they celebrate Logan’s amazing accomplishment.

Logan Eggleston played D1 volleyball for University of Texas and majored in Business Management. She developed the Developing Neighborhood Athletes Fund, which raises money and funds sports opportunities for underprivileged youth in Austin, TX. Of 619 student-athletes nominated for this award, Logan was announced the winner on January 11th of the 2023 NCAA Woman of the Year. 

She is currently working toward her master’s in sports management from Texas while playing professional volleyball for Galatasaray Sport Club in Istanbul, Turkey. 

Sylvan Park will be hosting a Holiday Giving Tree to provide gifts to students whose families may be experiencing financial hardship. 

Holiday Giving Tree

Thank you to all who expressed interest in being a volunteer this year for our Sylvan Park Holiday Giving Tree!

We truly appreciate your generosity. The sign up genius is below. You are welcome to sign up for as many children/families/supplies/gift cards as you would like.  If the sign-up fills up, please email me and I will let you know about some additional needs. Once you have signed up, I will email you with the gift wish list for that child.

For any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Meredith Middlebrooks, Sylvan Park School Counselor at 615-298-8423 x370311 or

Gifts are due back any time before Dec. 8Please bring them unwrapped to the front office with the family name and child labeled (ex. Family B, child 2)

2023 INVEST Campaign: We Made It!

We started this year with the most ambitious fundraising goal that we have ever had… And we made it!

Thank you so very much, we could not have made it without the generous support of each and every member of our Sylvan Park Elementary Community. Your generous donations have helped to fund the instructional interventionist, a position which provides crucial support for students who are not at grade level, and benefits all Sylvan Park students.

Special thank You’s to Jenn Morse, Jamie Hess, Ashley Ryan, OscarAnderson, Leah Monica and Jon Wright for a STRONG INVEST campaign 

A huge Thank You to all our business sponsors:

Laps, Bubbles, Popsicles, & Medals… A Fabulous 2023 Fun Run

We had a fabulously successful 2023 Fun Run!

The students came out by grade during their related arts period, decked out in their fancy new shirts. After Coach Scott led everyone through warm up, the runners were off. Making it all the way around the track and through the ballon arch marked the completion of a lap. Four complete laps earned a medal, popsicle, and bracelet.

Thank You to Everyone who helped to make this such a great event!

Fun Run Shirts are available for $12

Fun Run T-Shirt

Fall Clean Out: Donate Outgrown SSA Clothing to UniCycle.

unicycle donation

Our school is a UniCycle Partner! Uniform + Recycle = UniCycle.

Help us to keep our school closet stocked with great options for any student who needs them by donating what no longer fits. Remember to donate outgrown Spirit Wear and leggings as well!

We collect and use “outgrown, not worn out” school clothing in our school UniCycle Closet. If you spend some time cleaning out seasonal items over Fall Break, we’re ready to receive them. The donation basket is in the main lobby – drop off anytime!

Student Work from the School Wide Seminar on Elephant in the Dark

In September students participated in our first school-wide seminar for the 2023-2024 school year!  Our text for this seminar was Elephant in the Dark (based on a poem by Rumi; Retold by Mina Javaherbin).  In this seminar we discussed the values of perceptions, truth, understanding, differences, and cooperation.  For our post seminar activity, students worked in groups to write and/or draw what working together or solving a disagreement might look and sound like in our classrooms. 

Ask your child about this engaging and meaningful learning experience!  

Kindergarten Work

First Grade Work

Second Grade Work

Appreciation Notes For Teachers.

Thank You Teachers

By now you should have received an email from your room parent requesting that you send in a note of appreciation for our teachers. 

Each grade level was assigned a theme.  These notes are due no later than Wednesday afternoon. These notes should be to all teachers at Sylvan Park, not just your homeroom teacher.  If you would like to email your note instead or have any questions please email Theresa Yarber at  Be sure to include your theme word if you send a note.

Teacher Appreciation: “Espresso” Our Thanks

Teacher Appreciation

We were able to “Espresso” Our Thanks to our teachers on Friday by bringing in Java Breeze to make coffees and smoothies!  We were also able to stock the lounge with bagels, spreads, biscotti and lots of other snacks!

Thanks to all who donated!