Your support will help each and every student at Sylvan Park Elementary.
Make a gift that helps every SPE student!
Our annual INVEST Campaign is dreaming BIG for the 2024-2025 school year as we strive to reach our goal of $120K!
Final Push! Thank you for your incredible support of our INVEST fundraiser. You make a significant impact on our school community. With just two days left, we have raised $105k!”
Already donated? Share with a friend or family member! Thank you!
We all know that sometimes schools are under-resourced and we strive to bridge this gap through fundraising. Through Invest the Sylvan Park Elementary PTO works with the staff and principal to prioritize where support is most critical. The majority of funds from Invest both last year and this year will go directly to support the instructional interventionist position.
Want to donate by check or money order? Payments should be made out to Sylvan Park Elementary PTO with INVEST on the subject line. Mailed to:
Sylvan Park Elementary
Attn: Invest Campaign
4801 Utah Avenue
Nashville, TN 37209