We need three more volunteers to sign on as Home Room Parents! If you have a child in Ms. Banik, Ms. Eubanks, or Ms. Hester’s class, consider signing up for this volunteer opportunity by emailing Natalie Goldsby.
About Home Room Parents: A parent(s) serves as a liaison between teachers, parents, and the PTO board. This role typically involves organizing classroom parties (around 3-4 per year,) as well as creating an email group for your classroom parents in order to forward important information that needs distribution.
This year, our HRPs’ responsibilities might look a little different. HRPs will serve to create a much needed sense of community between classroom families during this time when we all need it. As specific parent or teacher needs arise, the HRP will be able to facilitate communication so we may all find the answers and help we need.
Please email Natalie Goldsby, Head Home Room Parent, at ntgoldsby@gmail.com if interested.