You will have the opportunity to see your child’s classroom and meet the teacher 8/5/22, 3p-5p. If you are a KINDERGARTEN parent who is unable to attend the Ice Cream Social on 8/5, you will have an opportunity on Monday, 8/8, 12p-12:30p, to see your child’s classroom and briefly meet their teacher. School will be in session until 3p for 1st-5th grades so, this is a K parent opportunity only, for those who missed the 8/5 event. Please be aware that we are required to scan each adults driver’s license before entering the main building so come with your driver’s license. Please come through the front entrance of the school building to check-in at the front office.
We welcome our new SP families! If you are in grades 1st-5th and missed our 8/5 Roster reveal/ Meet the Teacher/ Ice Cream Social, we have arranged special tour times just for you! Please see syvlanparkschool.org to sign up for tours 8/16 or 8/23 at 9a or 9:45a. Feel free to contact ruthabutler@gmail.com with questions.